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A little bit about me ...

My name is Montse Solervicens, I am an architect, master in architecture (secretly a landscape architect too), and I am in love with nature.


I grew up in the south of Chile, and for years I lived surrounded by forests and revitalizing rain, touring national parks and reserves in Chile and Argentina. Today I live in the city, and to remain connected to the nature with which I have always lived, I am 100% focused on developing professionally in the world of landscape architecture, botanical studies and, in particular, succulents.


I oriented my career as an architect towards heritage projects and landscape architecture. I have worked with archaeologists and municipalities on heritage development projects and public gardens. In the academic field, I was co-creator of the course "Cabinets in the city" of the Faculty of Architecture of the Catholic University of Chile, I taught history classes of the Botanical Gardens and their respective greenhouses, and also taught about the History Museums Natural, Zoos, International Exhibitions and especially, the Quinta Normal, which brings together all the previous typologies.


I am currently part of the team of landscape professionals that is developing the botany and landscape architecture project of the Chagual Botanical Garden of the MET Park in Santiago.


My curiosity about the natural world began when my grandparents - an entomologist and a botanical biologist - began teaching me about native flora and their beloved coleopterans. My dad, a veterinarian and practically a park ranger, taught me everything I know about the fauna and birds of Chile.


Succulents have a special place in my research for their resilience and their ability to adapt to the environment. I am still impressed by that tremendous ability to face harsh winters or hot summers and sprout strong and wonderful, as if nothing had happened.

For at least 4 years I have studied their behaviors, I have experimented with them and I have read everything I have found about these plants, and I have collected so much information that I want to share it with you! Furthermore, I believe that I grew up in a privileged environment and I would like, through this page, to share with you what I have learned and studied. Together with my workshops, I believe that this page is a very rich space for you to investigate and write your questions to me!


Soyplantista left a little more than a year ago and a very interesting community has formed. I would love for it to continue growing and for us to learn together! The objective of this page is to motivate you to be able to identify your succulents, investigate and solve the doubts you have in a self-taught way.


This space is made for you! With a lot of love and affection, so run it, enjoy it and write me if you have questions!






* Photography by Rafaelo Roasenda @Rafaeloroasendaphoto

* All the photos in the gallery are taken by me, if you want to use any, write me!



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